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    Our own denial is our most formidable adversary.
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  • I agree that we are "past the point of no return" as far as being able to achieve any sort…
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  • You're absolutely right aboutthe vast majority of people not paying much attention to things like the Plame business or even…
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  • I've had over 60 "Letters to the Editor" published in various papers over the last 2 1/2 years. When I…
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  • This link here is to a collection of writings by Arthur Silber on torture. Arthur's insights into man's capacity for…
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  • I have been similarly stunned on numerous occasions. When fear is deftly inculcated it makes a lot of people much…
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  • I'd be curious to know if anyone posting here ever didn't assume Cheney was in charge and Bush was the…
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  • A very provocative and significant diary, organized around the simplest of questions; What can the Democrats do for me? I…
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  • I too have been saying this for a long time in the hopes of stimulating dormant cognition in many of…
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  • There's also this, right in the DC area. Anyone who's ever had any direct experience under a dictatorship, theocracy, or…
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  • In a similar story, via Wolcott, music and spoken-word artist Henry Rollins had an experience in Australia. Link Here
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  • If they had internet access and a place to live in a warm commune for a poor somewhat disabled guy…
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  • I don't think there's much in the way of evidence to support the notion that the Bush regime is seriously…
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  • The fact that Case is a white anglo I think is pretty much irrelevant to his electoral chances. He's running…
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  • No Starbucks! I don't think they even have TV!
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  • Lest what I say above about racism in Hawaii come across as myopic or otherwise only a partial analysis, I…
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  • Maybe Bhutan.
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  • Should be; "...all of it plays heavily into the electoral calculus".
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  • I lived in Hawaii for many years and I can tell you all with certainty that racism is institutionalized across…
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  • Yes! Sadly, there's no opposition party in evidence. Pitts is consistently my favorite op-ed writer. His home paper is the…
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