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    Forgot to add that it might be prudent to wait awhile before moving to China. If the US defaults on…
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  • I think the situation now is qualitatively different from the Reagan regime's tenure. while there was certainly almost as much…
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  • I don't see anyone here advocating selfless altruism. Certainly helping one's fellow man because one recognizes it's a "good" thing…
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  • I agree with you, and in fact I'm in a similar situation; having some physical disabilities now and also, due…
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  • I don't think there is anyone now living who will live long enough to see a rehabilitation of the image…
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  • Apologies for the typos.
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  • When you can successfullyfrighten peopl, and when you can pander to their desire to be "special", you can get them…
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  • Even though many of us recognize the "terminal" condition of the broad societal system in the US, we can still…
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  • This doesn't have anything to do with nuclear proliferation or terrorism threat or spreading democracy or any of that crap.…
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  • In the Zogby poll  referred to above, I don't think there was a question about invading Iran. I mention this…
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  • When "winning" is actually the result of the "fear of not winning", as it so often is in a competitive…
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  • To set aside our sense of self for a higher cause woudl require a major sea change in our psychology.…
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  • The odious Nazi psychopath Goering said this about war and fear, and about how the mechanism for using the one…
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  • The only people the US can bribe are its own defense contractors and energy corporations. The government bribes the voters…
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  • Link to Zogby Poll details here.
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  • Forgot to say that what China and Russia decide will also be extremely important.
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  • Brownback is a religious zealot fascist so his judgment is always going to be irrational as far as policy issues…
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  • Yes! I have no way of knowing what Brown's chances of winning against DeWine are, but I seem to recall…
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  • I'm going to read all the info at the links you posted, but in the meantime I want to make…
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  • Put him in a cell with Barbara Comstock or Kate O'Bierne. They'd take each other out within 24 hours.
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