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    The US embassy bombings in Africa are attributed to bin Laden, and I believe at some point al Qaeda claimed…
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  • I would have called for the expulsion of the US from the UN a long time ago! There is no…
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  • As yet, there is no actual evidence that's been presented that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. Millions of usually rational…
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  • On the topic of war a friend just sent me this short video cartoon. Link here.
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  • If we as a nation spent 1/10th of the research dollars spent on forth and fifth generation weapons systems and…
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  • No! I know you weren't quoting that line by way of supporting it's intent in casting aspersions on the UN.…
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  • I think it's important to recognize that any accomplished swindler or bullshitter knows that it's not necessary to lie to…
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  • This line you reference in the news story is part of the "spin" emanating from the Pentagon. The 5 people…
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  • I think if McCain is in it means the neocons are out. If the imbecile George Allen gets in it…
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  • I think if a Cheney departure was a signal that the neocons in toto were being pushed out of power,…
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  • Fortunately, (at least in the short term), Indians voted out the dangerous rightwing party of Vajpayee and the hatemonger/warmonger Advani.…
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  • Not earth shattering in scope, but definitely a small step in the right direction, as unusual as that is these…
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  • I don't think Cheney and his neocons will be disturbed by this at all. In fact I suspect quite the…
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  • There's no lie too shameless, no propaganda too outrageous that these virulent wingnut creatures won't advance it in the name…
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  • I don't remember the specter of peak oil and the implications of that with respect to the most fundamental aspects…
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  • When people view honesty as a weakness, truth as an obstacle, and respect for others as a meaningless restrainton their…
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  • Forgot to add that I agree with you about Russia and China. I think I wrote something about that elsewhere…
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  • I will regard it as a very good development if Netanyahu's bid forpowewr is stopped in it's tracks and his…
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  • None of the stories by any of the Bush Gang on any subject ever add up! They lie automatically, even…
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  • That sounds great! thank you for the invitation. (I lived first in San Francisco and then up in Sonoma County…
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