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    I read Cohen's piece, and fukuyama's also, somewhat differently. Cohen, while making the distinction between the idealism of the neocon…
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  • Nothing to pimp, but I've got a question. Does anyone know if there's a tag/code in html for "redacting", (i.e.…
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  • The litany of horrors besetting the planet is truly mknd-boggling, and the fact that we humans are responsible formost of…
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  • Forgot to include the link to Cohen's piece. Here it is.
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  • You might be right, but I tend to think there's a whole lot more to it. Fukuyama's colleague at John's…
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  • I didn't realize there was no link to Fukuyama's recent piece in the NYT in the diary. Here it is.
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  • I was planning to write something about Fukuyama's latest spiel too. My motivation for doing so is that whenever a…
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  • More serious erosion of Democracy. Link here. courtesy of C & L where I found the link.
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  • Yes! A perfect example of his relentless assault on the ability of humanity to live free of his authritarian dogma.…
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  • The aircraft deals with Boeing certainly must be a significant factor in all this. Good catch.
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  • Should be "doublethink", not "doublespeak" in my comment above.
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  • Yep! Plus, of course, the guy's a such a complete imbecile that he's managed to get a lot of mileage…
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  • The complete "1984" is available for reading online at The Literature Network Online. Click on the "Author Index" tab and…
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  • It's no accident that the name of the ministry Goebbels ran for Hitler was the "Ministry for Enlightenment and Propaganda".…
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  • No, cult and cabal have different meanings. A cult is generally an organized groupwith leaders and followers, (or teachers and…
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  • We need both! Clooney type to educate in a way that inspires strategic thinking; Moore type to remind us in…
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  • It was deliberate (sex/Pope)! I've been trying since BushCo seized the White House to get a sentence with the words…
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  • This was the last letter I had printed in the NYT. (It seems like it was only a month or…
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  • I'm not much for arguments framed around the concepts of "good and evil" or "right and wrong", but neither am…
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  • How disgraceful! There seems no low to which the NYT will not sink.
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