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    Sartre's essay is available here from Atlantic Monthly's "premium archive" for a fee of $2.95. Somewhat related to Sartre's perspective…
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  • It would seem that within the framework of every major contractual arena having to do with defense or security in…
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  • What we are experiencing now is "worse than Nixon" by several orders of magnitude. (I never thought I'd have occassion…
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  • The fundamental rubric upon which the Bush regime's entire approach to governance is based is 50.1% authoritarianism; dictatorship through the…
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  • Most people in Germany didn't grasp what the true nature of the Third Reich was until it was too late.…
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  • I remember reading that article about the Fema detainment camp several months ago and being chilled by it. This link…
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  • Yes! My follow up to that original question would be to ask each that they describe the action or votes…
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  • Yes! I remember reading something about that; using detainees as prison labor, administered by the military through various govt. agencies.…
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  • It's virtually axiomatic in modern political behavior that electoral ambition trumps adherence to principle almost every time. Russ Feingold's recent…
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  • Also, I found it interesting how much vitriolic propaganda the lunatic wingnut gasbag and hate monger Jerome Corsi managed to…
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  • Considering the U.S. Geological Survey was under Gail Norton's authority at the Dept. of the Interior, and considering the US…
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  • I remember back in late 2003 all my friends and acquaintances dismissed out of hand my view that the construction…
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  • Definitely inspired by the same mindset. In the case of "Op Swarmer", someone on one of the blogs called it…
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  • I meant; Link here.
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  • Meanwhile, "Operation Swarmer" seems to be not only a lame media stunt but a military dud as well. [Link here.]
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  • You're right about Baker in the sense that he was not opposed to invading and occupying Iraq as a means…
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  • I'm working on putting together such a diary. Many thanks for the encouragement and vote of confidence.
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  • This article in the NYT bears on this subject. To my mind there are some really major struggles going on…
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  • I think the rightwing gasbags in the pundit class are desperately trying to determine when it's safe enough they too…
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  •   link here.Eager to have a full board at the USIP, President Bush recess appointed Mr. Pipes on August 22,…
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