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    I can only offer a predictive view of 2008 based on my understanding of current political dynamics, my analysis of…
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  • This letter of mine published in the NYT a scant couple of days before the start of the Iraq invasion…
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  • In order for Kristol to be able to better protect his precious neoconservative doctrine from being seen as responsible for…
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  • Barnes epitomizes the neocon approach to the now inevitable decline of their own control of the White House and Pentagon.…
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  • For more on the rampant careerism, criminal negligence and obstructionist behavior inherent in the FBI, PBS' Frontline did a terrific…
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  • I forgot to add though that I don't think the neocon agenda will advance the way they want because they…
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  • Yes! I agree the plan is unfolding pretty much as the neocons wanted; chaos, spreading and intensifying conflict designed to…
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  • I happened to flip through the TV channels and found the latest soprano's episode being rebroadcast, where tony is having…
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  • As I've been saying since news of the plans for these permanent bases in Iraq became known, BushCo has no…
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  • Is there a substantive difference on any meanigful level between Casey and Santorum? Could Caey be a "Frankenstein" type creature,…
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  • Great reviving of the word "smegma" MT. Bush sure is "cheesy", after all!
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  • Did Bush include the word "war" in his remarks today, or is the strategy like it was with his speech…
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  • I don't see that it makes any difference in the slightest what bin Laden's objectives or strategies might be regarding…
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  • Check out "State of Siege", also by Costas Gavras, (torture and brutality in Latin America taught and sponsored by the…
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  • Bush goes on a long incoherent ramble wherein he congratulates Europe for not waging war any more because of all…
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  • Quite so!
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  • Yes! People don't want to believe it so they don't, (just like parents don't want to believe what their chid…
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  • Neither the press nor the government is going to be eager to push for implementation of measures that will further…
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  • If Jesus were the person the Christians believe he was and he showed up again in the here and now,…
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  • There's no doubt that the intimidation factor from the "police state" structure BushCo has set up is responsible to some…
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