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    And of course one can only wonder what the reaction might have been if ther publishers had instead written they…
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  • The original 12 cartoons that were published and which started this conflagration did not include the images you refer too.…
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  • Muhammad enroute to Paradise for a visit, circa, 1550; Persia Muhammad in Mecca at the Kaaba stone; 16th century Ottoman…
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  • Christianity rose to power on the fostering of ignorance too, and only lost their iron grip on Western civilization upon…
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  • I don't have the certainty of knowledge in my mind to assert that the cartoons were published as a stand-alone…
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  • There's nothing more sophisticated culturally than being thoroughly involved in and proficient with the life you're actually living. and, as…
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  • I'd be interested in learning if you think the publishers of Salmon Rushdie's book "The Satanic Verses" should have refrained…
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  • collapse of repressive and dominant power structures frequently opens the door for new voices and new opportunities and new information…
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  • Any loudmouthed blowhard who keeps the violence oriented around a religious theme is playing into the hands of the warmongers.…
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  • I agree with you. The issue is about the disrespect, and the standing up and saying we are not going…
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  • Yes! I don't disagree with your points, but I wanted to be precise in that I personally misremembered what  I…
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  • It looks like I was wrong about the Q'ran not necessarily being seen as the revealed word of God by…
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  • I may be wrong about this but as far as I'm aware not all muslims do regard the quran as…
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  • Yes! I'm well aware of that, and it's why I made sure I included the pseudo Christian cabal of megalomaniacs…
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  • My view on the current cartoon insanity is pretty elemental, so elemental that it barely rewquires words to describe. Basically,…
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  • Got it! Thanks!
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  • Yes! That is the key question no one asks and no one answers. I'm quite poor these days, but I'd…
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  • Thank you Omir. This seems to happen even when I'm replying to someone else's comment, ( I think?), and where…
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  • When commenting, the "subject too long (max 50 characters)" thing comes up a lot, even when there's nowhere near 50…
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  • If I were working on strategy to neutralize the deleterious effects of the wingnut propaganda machine's relentless inculcation of fear…
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