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    It's much easier to create frames around lies than around truths because one can always change the "facts" to fit…
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  • All communication involves "framing" in one way or another, to one degree or another, and with varying degrees of deliberateness.…
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  • Just reading this article in Time is a waste of time. Abu Gonzales is so transparently a lying sack of…
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  • Hideous, as you say, and cowards too!
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  • I was enthused about a year and a half ago because a friend said I could use her id and…
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  • I agree with you that any sort of assault on Iran, whether by Israeli force or US force, is extremely…
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  • I really like your analysis of how the public on all sides is disgusted by our waffling and chickenshit elected…
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  • I firmly believe that cheney and his neoconswill stop at nothing to instigate violent conflict with Iran asa key part…
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  • I actually take a medication where one of the side effects it warns about is the immobilizing of the face…
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  • I forgot to add, Peace is Bushco's biggest enemy; it's the bane of tyrants everywhere.
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  • Fear and ignorance are absolutely essential components to tyranny of any sort, and perpetual war is the perfect vehicle for…
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  • Don't fret about making Friedman appear worse than his op-ed actually makes him appear. In reality he is worse than…
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  • I think a lot of people don't really care whether they're being lied to or not, as long as their…
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  • Achieving unity behind a message is always easier when enough people are willing to lie. BushCo has a great advantage…
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  • No. What I'm saying is that whatever we might want or expect from the party, it is important for us…
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  • For me, it's the "lesson not learned" that's the nub of the problem here. For all the analytical gymnastics of…
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  • We may be having a semantic snag or maybe it'sa "chicken or the egg" type thing, but here's what I'm…
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  • Certainly the Repubs have the tactical advantage. They have the bigger bankroll because they are the ones enabling the looters.…
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  • I agree with eschewing the labels for the most part. Defining ourselves and others according to the arbitrary frameworks devised…
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  • I don't want to trivialize the importance of the question you pose, but I do think the question itself is…
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