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    Not to be too simplistic about it, but Horowitz' agenda, just like the agenda of the neocons in general and…
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  • As AAron points out here, and as you reflect upon, Horowitz is just like the rest of the insane neoconservative…
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  • I'm in my third day now after renouncng CNN, upon the debut of the odious shitbag William Bennett in his…
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  • As an addendum, this hereis a terrific column by my favorite editorial writer, Leonard Pitts Jr. of the Miami Herald.…
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  • Not all of the "bold" text above was intentional, and, of course, I did the "post instead of preview" thingy…
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  • It's really a shame that language is such an easily manipulated vehicle. I remember when the term "conservative" was generally…
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  • I think the name Philander is Greek, meaning a lover of mankind. And according to the article here, it is…
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  • Olbermann's show's editors could do us all a favor and announce that people who obviously take pride in being named…
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  • Instead of giving Coulter herself so much attention directly, we should be criticizing the people who enable her, in this…
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  • This is a really great diary; an important exploration of how real journalism flourishes amidst all the garbage being propagated…
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  • The pathological inhumanity at the core of this Bush regime permeates every single action they take, every policy they implement,…
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  • "There they go again" is exactly the format these disgracefully incompetent and lazy jerks deserve to be seen in. They…
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  • The rationality of your letter gets me because it stands in such stark contrast with our elected officials' ability and…
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  • Great idea. And after the fall of the empire an enterprising anthologist can collect these letters together and publish them…
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  • I'm with you. If these cowards can't stand up, who needs them. Better to make room for new blood.
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  • Recently Andrew Sullivan coined the term "fellatial" to describe the adoration expressed by Fred Barnes toward Bush in his book…
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  • When one's goal is to "win" a war, then Larry's commentary and analysis are right on the money and illuminate…
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  • It is a sad but historically indisputable fact that it is only after a democracy has been destroyed that the…
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  • Was watching CNN and the abominable William Bennett made his debut as a CNN employee. I promptly switched channels and…
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  • I want to be the inventor of a "Pinnochio Gene" that is automatically activated in people whenever they are elected…
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