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    My letter to my own Dem Senator here. (shameless pimping of my own diary.)
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  • since I never bought into the idea that the Cheney regime sought to encourage secular democracy in the MidEast, none…
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  • Yes! I always figured her for a principle-free fraud set loose in an environment where ambition usually triumphs over principle…
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  • I like the grandmother lesson, though I guess according to her I'd be low class because I do have respect…
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  • Even the hollow yet ambitious phmony Mary Landrieu has made some sort of idiotic statement today saying she saw nothing…
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  • Like you Keone I was stunned that a guy as insightfully funny as Dennis miller could actually be a supporter…
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  • Thank you BooMan for your direct encouragement.
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  • Are you talking about the OSS/CIA "Operation Mockingbird" propaganda machine or are you perhaps talking about mockery as a (low)…
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  • For the vast majority of those people who, as you say, "...like to have their outrage up...", they like this…
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  • I hadn't written that reply to DTF with the idea of self-promoting, but rather because DTF had previously encourahged me…
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  • It's Wednesday night, and I've had a fairly disjointed last couple of days. I think I wrote this diary last…
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  • Tragically for the indigenous people, it wouldn't have mattered in the end whether the English or the French prevailed. Their…
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  • From Robert Scheer's excellent Truthdig, a terrific article by my favorite Gore, Gore Vidal., about the hapless Bush and the…
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  • One of my best friends is a member of one of the tribes around Buffalo NY that was part ofthe…
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  • Via Atrios, a very thoughtful analysis of media malfeasance and disservice by Peter Daou here.
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  • And another thing. Who would have believed even a year ago that "Little Ricky Santorum's" biggest ally in his re-election…
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  • You're definitely right about the "we" thing. Casey, Rendell, Schumer and the DLC weenies, they are "them", not "us"; hijackers…
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  • I'd like to hear that Dems are bombarding Casey himself with this question. Why are you a member of the…
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  • The brazen hypocrisy of the Democrats at the top of the party's power structure is sickening. There is no legitimate…
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  • As the book's author Blum alludes to in this interview, the last thing the propagandists in the Bush regime want…
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