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    I actually worked as a waiter in a couple of snazzy DC area restaurants during a brief period many years…
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  • This link here is to a superb article by Chris Hedges on theextremist religious broadcasters and the organizations behind them.…
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  • Has anyone done a study showing how much difference there is between the amounts of money various Indian tribes gave…
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  • It is always the weak of mind and weak of spirit who resort to aggression and force to suppress the…
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  • I seem to have missed the intense stuff that went on in the comments section of Oui's perevious diary despite…
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  • It's the relationship between verifiable fact and analytical perspective that (mostly) informs my ability, (such as it may be), to…
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  • I agree completely with SusanD immediately above. bin Laden is so much more useful to the Bush gang alive and…
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  • BooMan, Thank you so much for the extraordinary compliment. About diarying. I've started to write diaries here several times, but…
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  • Fear is always the most powerful weapon in the arsenals of tyrants.
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  • To the extent that one identifies "framing errors" made by Bushco, one has to accept the premise that Bushco actually…
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  • I'm probably deep in tinfoil hat territory here , but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if these purported…
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  • Maybe I missed it but where's the part about requiring the recipients of lobbyist moolah to immediately and publicly disclose…
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  • I believe that there is some merit to defining the nature and scope of a problem before offering solutions for…
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  • Hitchens ideology is authoritarian in nature. He believes nevertheless that it's wrong for the government to spy on it's own…
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  • No. With Hitchens I don't think a sense of him being personally "violated" by (potentially) being spied upon is likely…
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  • Former Sec Navy and Republican of note in the Reagan era, James Webb is more rational and more honest and…
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  • I remember that I used to like the frequent "Open Threads" interspersed between diaries at DKos back in the old…
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  • I don't think Hitchens is quite so far gone as someone like Leo Strauss, for instance, who makes a point…
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  • "Unitary Executive" is a euphemism for "Authoritarianism". Pretty simple really. Along with the co-opting of the press and the repression…
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  • I agree. I think they see the second dumbest guy in Washington, (George Allen), as president in 2008, a WWIII…
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