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    Yes! That was my point.
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  • As poignantly as Hitchens describes the dynamics of this illegal spying, I wouldn't go so far as to declare "He's…
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  • Maybe O'Reilly will write a book of fava bean/chick pea erotica. And maybe Coulter and Malkin and O'Bierne and Schlafly…
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  • Yes! Linking either loofahs or falafel with erotica might plausibly lead to pretty unsatisfying sexual activity, generating even more frustration,…
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  • One of my all time favorites. Loved the "Orgasmatron".
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  • I've heard live broadcasts of local school board meetings on publiuc radio and I can certainly see how your former…
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  • I don't think there's a lot of kinky sex going on with the Repubs. In fact, it may be the…
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  • Here's one! How About Some Help Here? George Bush has started an ill-timed and disastrous war under false pretenses by…
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  • They're glory hounds, looking for prominence for themselves in the news cycle. Anything they can do to get more media…
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  • I would like to read more stories about modern day Daniel Ellsbergs and Mark Felts, about principled and forthright politicians…
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  • Next up, Mark Pryor of Nebraska. Even Landrieu might vote for him. And, I wouldn't be surprised if Biden made…
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  • Here's mine. I've just learned that CNN plans to hire talk show personality Glenn Beck. This extremist and highly offensive…
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  • For me, the central problem with strategists like these is that, in the name of supposedly advancing progressive ideas in…
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  • It's patently obvious that the corporate media is definitely not on the side of "We the people". The fact that…
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  • I think a real nationwide revolution in America is *a lot closer than most of us think. To me it…
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  • Kristol has been flogging this "attack Iran" meme for over a month now, as has that other odious but not…
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  • I actually think PNAC is weaker now than they were previously. They're going to have a much harder time intimidating…
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  • In the same vein, they also have taken testimony from both torture-based interrogators and their victims where they say that…
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  • I tried to listen to Bremer this morning on MTP, but, like you, I couln't really get past the first…
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  • From WaPo; The good; http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/14/AR2006011400857.html The Bad; http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/14/AR2006011400858.html The Ugly; http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/14/AR2006011400859.html (Note; the "bad" and the "ugly" are interchangable.)
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