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    The absence of personal economic viability is the only thing that will shift the tide of public pressure against this…
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  • Speaking of alternative energy initiatives, a friend sent me this email today. We have just a few days left to…
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  • I would say Friedman is "clever", but not "brilliant". Whether he's a shill for others or not I can't say,…
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  • My sense is that DeLay will return to alcohol and drink his way into oblivion.
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  • Any story or reporting or opinion writing that credits Bush with having any understanding of his own policies, of the…
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  • There's a really funny thing about "revolution". The ruling class never knows it's coming until it's already upon them. even…
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  • I have no interest in "changing" or otherwise shaping others' ideas of what "peace" is so much as I look…
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  • Yes! Like dada above, I'd be interested in learning how we all variously define what "peace" means to each of…
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  • As much of a sham this whole meeting seems to be, I think it is indicative of a new dynamic…
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  • Reading my own reply to your comment I realize I've strayed somewhat far afield from the diary topic. I don't…
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  • No! But as the spectre of Peak oil finally starts to become more a more irrefutable reality, the comfortable denial…
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  • As long as "news" remains a commodity in an entertainment venue that is the corportate media, our democracy will continue…
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  • This may be the same Yemeni safe house FBI agent john O'Neill was looking into in the wake of the…
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  • Israeli PM Sharon has massive stroke/hemmorage. I bet there are a lot of neocon's popping the corks on champagne to…
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  • The idea for attacking syria or Iran has nothing todo with such attacks being "successful" as far as achieving some…
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  • I'm appreciative of your clarifying what you meant. And you are right of course. If we had a government that…
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  • Yes! In a democracy, the compromising of a free press is a necessary precursor to tyranny.
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  • The next movie will be named Syria or Iran, or it might be a double feature. At least this is…
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  • Do you think it's a "wild-eyed guess" that BushCo is behaving in a way that seems to deliberately undermine any…
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  • I'm with you on this. I would only add that I think it's a problem that transcends partisan cowardice, aggression…
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