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    If the US and Israeli rightwinbgers can contribute to a completely failed election process for the Palestinians, then they're in…
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  • "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke
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  • I think it's obvious we need congress to act. I propose they draft legislation to establish a "Do Not Wiretap"…
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  • I remember someone once telling me that the great apes had only 4 sounds in their language. I think they…
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  • There was a news item yesterday that Allawi had already departed Iraq. I don't remember where I saw it or…
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  • I'm not a big fan of the soundbite format for providing concise analysis of complex situations. But, having said that,…
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  • In a Constitutional Democracy, (especially one based on a constitution like ours), the very idea that the government seems to…
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  • While we're talking about O'Reilly, I've got a question. How much money do we have to raise to do something…
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  • I've echoed the same sentiments expressed in this diary by Gadfly recently. These certifiable lunatics like O'Reilly and Coulter and…
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  • Even Diebold is on the run at least in a few jurisdictions around the country, notto mention their CEO resigning…
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  • Reading my own rant above, I realize that it is in fact, an example of "all hat and no cattle".…
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  • I think we need to provide a place in our social matrix where a core philosophy becomes a primary guiding…
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  • Thats really great that you showed it to students. Maybe there's some hope after all.
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  • That's an incredibly great post by Jane. she had previously posted this one On Image, which preceeds the post you…
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  • Attention anyone that gets the Sundance Channel. Last night I saw most of an incredible documentary titled "The Corporation". I…
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  • As if lending credence to my own comment above, here's a piece referencing DLC uber-hack Marshall Wittman's latest effort at…
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  • This is my opinion only, but I have a sense that despite overwhelming evidence that might come forward to clearly…
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  • I think if Fitzgerald does finally indict Rove that it will take theefforts of all Bush's mommies, (Rice, Hughes, Miers,…
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  • Mary Cheney? Mary Matalin? They still hang around the WH don't they?
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  • I remember "Barbarella"! For that alone I could probably never hate her for anything.
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