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    "Mary" strikes me as one of those millions of second-hand thinkers that make up the wingnutosphere; an unfortunate creature whose…
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  • I made my birthday prediction back in October right here on BooTrib that I believed Bush would wind up having…
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  • Unless there's a more responsible, more adult, and more principled and aware member of the Sulzberger clan who can depose…
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  • I've replaced most of my NYT with more internet. It's more informative and easier to navigate to the truth most…
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  • My question about the NYT is this. Did they rat Bush out on principle, did they rat him out because…
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  • Yep!
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  • While Hannah Arendt's book "The Origins of Totalitarianism" is probably still the definitive work on the subject of modern totalitarianism,…
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  • The only even remotely rational reason I can think of why BushCo might have chosen to bypass the law and…
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  • Yes! I lost faith in them quite a while ago, back when Judy Miller was front-page cheerleading for the invasion…
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  • But Limbaugh's logic is inverted, backwards. It's not that the NYT waited a year until this book was due, (presumably,…
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  • Glad to inspire laughter. Best to you too.
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  • Andrea Mitchell = Chris Matthews in drag!
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  • There is a school of thought popular amongst predatory narcissists and tyrants that states; "If you believe you're getting into…
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  • Talking Power sounds quite good. The most usefiul book I've found that deals with the issue of "influence" is the…
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  • Certainly Bush is not the architect of any of this crap being done in his name. I posited years ago,…
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  • This is still my favorite picture of Cheney. I think it really reveals the demon within!
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  • I seriously doubt the Imbecile in Chief will ever realize anything substantive about this mess his regime is responsible for.…
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  • It's the "We have to destroy the village to save it" meme revisited. The propagation of the idea that we…
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  • Just like all their dictatorial and tyrannical predecessors all down through the ages, the Bush gang knows that you don't…
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  • "Mr. and Mrs. Beelzebub in Afghanistan."
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