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    Echelon might best be described as the original template for the initiation of the worldwide total surveillance program. Aside from…
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  • A very good article on Al Hurra/Sawa from last month in American Prospect here
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  • Even if we set aside the charges of corruption and the overwhelming stink of propaganda that is apparently so obvious…
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  • Interesting link here.
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  • All of the prominent Carlyle Group people would now liketo see the neocons put back in their box, and Bush…
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  • While it is true that the Carlyle crowd has been making money hand over fist because of the so-called "war…
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  • I strongly disagree with what you say here, The power groups are all the same and don't compete with each…
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  • Thanks Arc!
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  • Many thanks!
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  • The true power has been concentrated in private hands almost exclusively since the 1940s. What I'm saying here is that…
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  • I've been having a hard time finding a link to the actual text of the complete FISA statute. I thought…
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  • Coulter has nothing of valueto say ever. She only flaunts her repulsive insanity because she thrives on the outrage generated…
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  • It's not whether Cheney and the neocons are influenced by popular support. I agree with you that of course they're…
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  • So finally the portrait of that sick bastard O'Reilly is gone from it's prominent position on the home page and…
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  • I'm defining failure as the inability of their actions to generate the results they claim they'll generate. Unequivically I have…
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  • To the extent that there might exist a high powered effort to remove the Bush regime from power before they…
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  • What a terrific piece by Hightower. Thank you for putting it up.
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  • I'm hoping all this develops into a full blown collapse of another one of BushCo's criminal enterprises. '06 is going…
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  • Nifty idea, and as you imply, definitely a dream. The men with the guns and the power never make deals…
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  • Not to be flippant about this very disturbing story,  but I bet there's going to be a huge spike in…
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