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    Yes. Woodward has become a tabloid style narcissistic predator, threatening his targets in order to get them to talk. With…
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  • I think it's either David Wurmser doing a deal to save his shabby self from prison, or a second tier…
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  • Woodward sold out a long time ago. He became his own biggest fan, and the end of his reportorial integrity…
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  • How greedy and insane can these monumental swindlers in the drug world get? They give new resonance to the old…
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  • When you combine equal parts yellow and blue, don't you get green?
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  • "...have any meaningful weight as a meaningful, accurately weighted... I really had a serious rhetorical lapse there. I must cut…
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  • The one aspect of Larry's description of all this I think would be a really important one to get the…
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  • The most unfortunate aspect about Wolfowitz possibly still believing WMD may exist in Iraq is that, whether he believes such…
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  • The arrogance of your willful ignorance and the irresponsible nature of your accusations agaoinst "categories" of people is astonishing. As…
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  • Dear Joe and Suzie, I know you have serious concerns about the well-being and morale of our brave soldiers in…
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  • I've never engaged in the glorification of either the military or war. I was vigorously and actively opposed to the…
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  • Read this online only article from the New Yorker where Amy Davidson discusses with Jeffery Goldberg his impressions from his…
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  • It's really a shame that you missed the essence of what I was saying completely, and that your what seems…
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  • Rwanda, Somalia, and numerous other places around the world where atrocities take place; all are difficult situations to describe appropriate…
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  • Juan Peron in Argentina won his first election in large part because he had his wife Eva throw chickens from…
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  • Great perspectives you bring to this Susan. And of course I really appreciate Pat Lang's point about how so many…
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  • Thanks for that link. What a great article on Goss and the demise of the CIA. One special bit I…
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  • Coward indeed!   Predators like him are always cowards.
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  • I found that Miller photo somewhere too and have posted it in comments a few times as I think it…
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  • Predatory narcissists like Miller always behave this way. According to the set of delusions inherent in their pathology, they themselves…
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