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    Here's another similar view, linked to by our commenter and diarist Oui in one of her comments to the link…
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  • They are brutalizing the detainees to make sure more people in the region are enraged to a point that the…
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  • I agree. I can envision Cheney, Perle, Wolfowitz, Ledeen, Feith, et. al. all gathered together in a dark, damp and…
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  • I take your point about CHB. Certainly these days more than ever before if we don't question what the media…
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  • For some reason my adobe reader just must have stopped beiong able to open pdf links from the web. So…
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  • Yes, my adobe reader is up to date and other pdf links work fine.
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  • Capitol Hill blue is notoriously unreliable as to factual accuracy and the ability to verify any of their claims. I…
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  • By the way Susan, none of the links in this Pat Lang post seem to be working forme. Is it…
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  • I'm gonna get confused about who's who one of these days. It's still you who lives in Washington and is…
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  • Nietszche posited that "strength" was the only virtue because strength was required for survival. Malthus posited that basically there wasn't…
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  • I followed references to that series  not long ago and wasn't able to find any remaining transcript or video either.…
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  • This is a very good piece about Strauss and Drury's insightful analysis of him. Link here. Strauss to me is…
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  • The only thing that makes the Bush regime's message cohesive, the only unifying element of it is that it's all…
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  • Actually not. This op-ed is accessible from the regular free page. He's written it using his regular name, Tenzin Gyatso,…
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  • I really like this Op-Ed in the NYT by the Dalai Lama, link here. My favorite paras, the nub of…
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  • Then there's this about the fact that much of this speech was a duplicate of a speech he gave 5…
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  • MSNBC's Matthews did note that bush conspicuously did not lay a wreath at Arlington but chose instead to deliver a…
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  • Dear Rev. Robertson, I must thank you for alerting my devout neighbors to the liklihood that god's wrath will now…
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  • Perhaps the biggest problem within the current evangelical dogma is how much of the scripture they purport to revere they…
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  • The bush regime plays the odds. They know that the relentless repetition of a lie will eventually lead to that…
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