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    And of course a local news station went with the headline, "Black Lives Matter may have led to stabbing" in…
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  • The problem with this kind of politics, besides being morally odious, is that people of color have eyes and ears…
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  • If they were already working for Trump, and he made those remarks, wouldn't that constitute a hostile workplace? Creating or…
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  • That was my thought as well. The violent risk-taking middle-agers of today are the same people who were violent risk-taking…
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  • That 27% already only watch Fox News and only listen to hate radio. What the MSM has to say about…
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  • Looking on the bright side, if the Dems actually have a chance to repeal the Hyde Amendment, Kaine's vote will…
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  • You can keep taxes low and spend on infrastructure if you're willing to borrow. The Rs borrow like mad when…
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  • It's not unusual for complex systems that seem to be in a stable state to suddenly flip to another stable…
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  • Who says Republicans don't believe in equal opportunity for women? Here's a shining example, in which they let a little…
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  • Would love to see an O'Malley campaign that drove Hillary to the left, and having him as VP would be…
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  • Yup. Maureen is old*, is realizing that she's old, and that things will never be as good (for her) as…
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  • Why the scare quotes for women's "liberation"? As a woman who came of age in the 60s I can guarantee…
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  • I worked for the VA for 10 years, and before that worked for a several different public and private health…
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  • Agreed. I was on the fence in 2008 until the Clinton surrogates started in on that racist garbage. It made…
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  • Loved your brother's book. I read it while I was working for the VA, and it was great to know…
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  • Single payer would definitely be better, but pre-Obamacare, rates went up just about every year anyway. Over the last three…
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  • As far as I know, none of those things can be claimed as  "health care delivery," and so  must be…
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  • How he was perceived as a moderate within his party, how he ably managed the disintegration of the Soviet Union…
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  • He's wrong to prosecute the drone wars on islam even though islam deserves it. ISLAM deserves it? How so? Does…
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  • The dream would be to have something as influential as LBJ's "Daisy" ad. And the nightmare is the Swiftboat campaign…
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