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    Gil, if you'd just turn down your wick a bit, and forego shovelling great wads of dense intellectualism down on…
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  • and, as you say, friends and acting silly is what it is all about. I haven't laughed so much since…
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  • You are right Susan, we should not tease pomposity. In the spirit of Dadaism I enclose this link which you've…
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  • ... is the personal fortune of Mr Bono, according the BBC program 'Liquid Assets' He is sterling millionaire 108 times…
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  • "The 10 richest people on earth have a combined net worth of $255 billion, roughly 60 percent of the income…
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  • I had a lot of dealings with major UK and US rock stars of the Sixties and Seventies (I made…
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  • You play interesting games, Gil 😉
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  • has of course made a dog's breakfast fantasy of the history, but the connections and credo remain. Putting Strauss as…
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  • Born of 19thC occultism/Kabbalah (Papus et al), adopted by German Fascists, connections to Nietsche etc, prominent supporters among international banking…
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  • ...safe and sound from London - greetings to all
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  • I agree with that thesis. (I am also aware of your postings elsewhere which I have followed with interest) I…
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  • Thanx Man!
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  • Welcome Gil, and thanks for this excellent diary. I've been tinfoiling and googling about Synarchists recently, since (like Gandolfi) I…
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  • There's a Patrick Campbell (master of the small amusement) putin, which is a small wager to enter a game, or,…
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  • you did
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  • with the repetitive work of manual labour in relation to the machinery of mass production and war.
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  • Is not a definition, but an analogy, equating music with
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  • The definition of machinery must be different from a tool. A tool is an extension of the human, whereas a…
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  • I'm away for 2 weeks otherwise I would flood this with comments - Its one of my favourite subjects...
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  • I'm not sure I get your drift, but the Finnish acceptance of nakedness does not preclude an interest in scanty…
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