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    Hola. Oh dear you just reminded me I am late with a project for the new Royal Caribbean ship being…
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  • Yep, something like that. In fact we were just sitting on the patio in the dark with a couple of…
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  • Reminds me of a performance of Ubu Roi (Alfred Jarry) I worked on in London '66 which I used a…
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  • Hey, Man! I'll join you in a late night cup of tea here in Helsinki. Was just at a new…
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  • Kansas, are trying to imply that we are smoking exotic cheroots in Finland?
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  • i read all the book puffs - and if they deliver on their promise, I believe there is plenty to…
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  • The key question is, of course, what is society for? Is it a flock or is it a pack? Is…
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  • You're right - there's a very wide spectrum of folks here. I keep thinking of the smooth beatiful round rocks…
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  • I'm beginning to think that America has gone Crowley
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  • Wiring indeed. Once again your spelling reveals Chomskyesque truths about neural networks. But Buler's example is a humdinger. Marx said…
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  • Excellent series! An understanding of history is vital if the rules that govern our society are to be refined and…
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  • You put it a lot better than I did. Thanks
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  • 1968 - 1973 highend, 1973 - 1979 high end in another country, 1979 - 1982 switched to low end ethnic…
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  • You are right - irony was never the strongest suit of the American hand of literary devices. (and that is…
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  • Lighten up, sonny 😉 Here's a tip. Write your diaries in a text edit program with <spellcheck as you type>…
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  • I'm all for promoting and raising questions about the President's sanity in public debate. It will be mercilessly shot down…
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  • "If true, these characterizations show a President who knows he is being handled and can't get a straight answer from…
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  • I am not personally complaining - I love your tortured prose and idiosyncratic spelling. I was talking about couching 'difficult'…
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  • and that means I'm over half the age of the country I live in! Holy crap.
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  • I am not sure I can support private jets whoever's paying, and I think you'll find that where such stars…
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