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    The caricature that the GOP have developed of who they think is Pres. Obama is so far removed from reality…
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  • This is also the same group of people who accuse the President of being worse then Hitler, and then say…
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  • You are correct. Good catch.
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  • I agree that Hillary will not be as inspirational as far as candidates go, but she will have Bill and…
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  • In all seriousness, the GOP will try to pin all economic woes on Obama and the Dems, but their alternative…
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  • I really question the logic of choosing Cleveland for the GOP if only because the republican economic platform runs anethema…
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  • As incalculably screwed-up as things seem to be in this country, the future should be okay because the young people…
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  • When I was in college (10 years ago) my friends and I called it "clearance".
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  • Perception IS reality.
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  • Realistically, she could use her celebrity status as a FLOTUS to get more accomplished on any of her causes than…
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  • This guys gives Marx a bad name...
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  • We're going across the field.... They're singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, `I…
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  • So, starting 2 wars out of personal narcissism is perfectly acceptable; but ending them is not. Mission Accomplished.
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  • They've figured out what their target market wants, and produces it in abundance, at a price point that shifts product…
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  • Democrats need to truly galvanize their support by asking the question, "What issues have Republicans been right about?" The war…
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  • When it comes to wiretapping/NSA, etc...the majority of people who see this as a scandal against Obama and the Dems…
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  • Compromise: trade the Keystone XL pipeline for an increase on the corporate tax rate - especially for big oil companies.
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  • Fine. Let them secede. Allow Scott Walker to become President of Wisconsin, install his fascist regime, and then let them…
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  • So, are you suggesting that if you don't serve in a branch of the military or the police/FBI, etc... then…
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  • Excellent points. In hindsight, the GOP Establishment should have allowed Democrats to pursue Single-Payer and then paint them as big…
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