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    The reason that Cuccinelli is losing in the polls is less because of McAuliffe's progressive stance, and more to do…
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  • That's where a lot of the Tea Party revolutionary rhetoric and rage comes from. I think it has more to…
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  • I was going to comment about Reagan as well; his ability to convince people that disliking government is somehow patriotic…
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  • the challenge is that you cannot give moderate and centrist republicans any wins and a reason to poach independents from…
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  • The problem with the Immigration Reform fight is that you don't want to give the Centrist Republicans something to brag…
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  • I disagree. One advantage that the left has right now is that the GOP has to fight two flanks (Dem's…
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  • From a practical standpoint, can someone explain to me what, in this rumored deal, actually defangs the Republicans in any…
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  • If they can get 67 votes to change the rules, can they also get 67 votes to censure Ted Cruz…
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  • If all else fails, then by 11pm on Wednesday the President should go on tv and request that Congress fail…
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  • Big business is going to fund the side that they think will win, and will do their bidding. If it…
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  • all the while trying to justify why they deserve affordable health care, but poor minorities do not. Sadly, we may…
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  • So their plan to get rid of the fake tyranny, is to create real tyranny.
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  • Politically, I don't see the value of getting rid of the Tea Party - especially when they are doing more…
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  • My hope is that the people involved with the OWS movement will still be active and engaged if in needed…
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  • I'm not sure why the denial by Goldberg that Tea Partiers are anything but anarchists. I have some libertarian/tea party…
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  • Question - can the Senate add language to the CR that requires Congress to raise the debt ceiling in order…
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  • The blame-game of a government shutdown is still a toss-up; although the bulk of the country would blame Congress (republicans…
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  • On the contrary, we should be thanking Kornacki for putting this man on national TV and allowing him to speak…
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  • You're probably correct, however Republicans have successfully shifted the Overton Window so far to the right, while casting the image…
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  • "Democrat Depression" is a standard for most Democrats regardless of the candidate. Even in years when it's clear we're going…
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