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    unless Zimmerman has just been wearing a fat suit the past year and is actually as skinny was he was…
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  • We will never know what truly happened between Martin and Zimmerman because the only eyewitness lied. I still contend that…
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  • You are wrong that this cannot be construed as "open season" against blacks, or really anyone who is in the…
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  • they will. Their civil suit is already in place, and Zimmerman will have to testify. New evidence could emerge from…
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  • I'm not sure what is a "PermaGov"-controlled court, but I'm pretty certain that I prefer it over a Privately-controlled court.…
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  • Those people who wanted a more recent photo of Trayvon got their wish. No child deserves to die; especially not…
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  • someone in the comments section at Huffington Post was upset that the Defense didn't bring up the fact Trayvon Martin…
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  • Exactly. It's not paranoia, it's a fetish.
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  • I disagree. The entire premise of the Defense is "We're telling the truth, therefore we're right".   As soon as…
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  • The only part of the calls for help that are important, I think, are the fact that 1) the calls…
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  • I think what's worse is one person decided that someone else is guilty, executing them, and then making the state…
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  • Also, judging by the comments left by readers of various blogs/news pages like Huffington Post, there is a near identical…
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  • I've been advocating for manslaughter since the trial began; if only as a way to "split the baby". GZ is…
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  • If Republicans really want to balance the budget so badly, they should propose a bill that caps the amount of…
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  • I was wondering the same thing; especially as tax revenue continues to increase through new hiring, and expenditures are cut…
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  • I know that the defense is not using SYG and are instead using self-defense. The point I was making is…
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  • I also have a serious question as to the credibility of Jose Meza's testimony (George Zimmerman's Uncle). He stated that…
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  • It doesn't matter the provocation of the fight, what matters is that if you feel your life is being threatened…
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  • A general lack of remorse can be justified in a life-or-death situation; "it was either him or me". As for…
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  • the important fact about the screaming voice is that it stopped yelling immediately after the shooting. I tend to think…
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