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    I don't see Christie settling for anything less than the nomination for Vice President. The many has large aspirations. However,…
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  • Impossible. First: Even if the Democrats controlled every elected position in the country from dog catcher to President, there would…
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  • Lots of GOP salivating at the idea of acting out their misogyny the way they've acted out their racism for…
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  • The difference, I think, is that with unlimited donor money, successful gerrymandering, and voter suppression, the Republicans think they no…
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  • As far as I can see, the only people who are actually happy with the libertarian trend in the GOP…
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  • To decimate is to reduce by 10%.
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  • Diehard Republicans will hold their noses and vote R no matter what the candidate does. Fortunately, the number of diehard…
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  • I wouldn't be surprised if, by 2016, the GOP is divided in half between the Rand Paul/Ted Cruz Libertarians and…
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  • Actually that is not correct; Roundup is not poisonous/ It is designed to go after a specific enzyme that plants…
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  • GMO's are one of the few areas where Environmentalists and Republicans typically agree; but for very different reasons. Environmentalists (who…
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  • The way I see it, if Obamacare is truly so terrible, then the best political move the Republicans can make…
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  • But that seems more like a rouge operation than part of a Republican strategy. Pun intended?
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  • Well, that and the fact that Papa John's pizza is terrible.
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  • Obama is certainly not the first Racist in Chief; I believe that title belongs to George Washington, who you know,…
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  • I'm a white guy that looks much younger than I really am, and I often get mistaken at grocery stores…
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  • sadly the moderates and independents don't seem to tune-in to these types of events. Sure this will calcify those who…
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  • I was thinking about this further, and there are some things that really bother about the George Zimmerman trial. First,…
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  • I am of the belief that everyone is racist; it's part of the evolution of who we are as humans.…
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  • you're right. I think there are major constitutional issues with these laws. Trayvon Martin was never charged with anything, and…
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  • This has been my argument for the past few days; and every time I bring it up someone tells me…
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