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    Because he only started to fear for his life when he was losing the fight; and unfortunately the law says…
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  • Aside from swearing on the phone call, there really wasn't any evidence that he acted out of ill will/spite/hatred. So…
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  • my father in law is a modern-day Archie Bunker and I am the Meathead of the family, although I do…
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  • No worries. For the record, I am a guy, and in hindsight I should have spell my name "Vinny" but…
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  • You are correct, I meant to say, "Ultimately I suspect that will be a key part of the Defense's Prosecution's…
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  • Yes, liberals should be focusing their efforts not on the black/white aspects of the case, but onto the bizzaro world…
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  • You're absolutely correct; it is a very inconsistent document and one that is too often used out of context to…
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  • Unfortunately, it's pretty much a lose-lose situation either way. The sides are so starkly drawn in this case, that there…
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  • barring any new evidence, my prediction is that the jury will find Zimmerman not guilty of Murder 2 but will…
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  • I did some additional research. According to www.legalinsurrection.com: Manslaughter--The Next Iteration of the Narrative? Why charge murder 2 on such…
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  • Is it possible for the jury to at least come back with a verdict for manslaughter? It may not carry…
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  • but by allegedly pounding Zimmerman's head into the concrete, Trayvon was simply exercising his right to stand his own ground.…
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  • This twit would have opposed WWII until a Republican was elected POTUS. Yes, and then the Republicans would have sided…
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  • I thought that student loan debt was already excluded from Chapter 7 bankruptcy laws prior to the 2005 bill.
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  • Pissing off young voters and Hispanic voters...looks like the GOP doesn't care about winning national elections. Why should they? If…
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  • My guess is that Scalia knows that the stain on the blue dress wasn't caused by Clinton and that a…
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  • I didn't say it was the best law; but never the less, straw purchases are illegal.
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  • I sure would have liked a bill that throws the book at straw purchasers. Straw purchases in Philadelphia have been…
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  • Gaffes. There is a misconception that Joe Biden is not an effective leader, or that he's stupid, etc... because of…
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  • I have a feeling that there is going to be a mass migration of the population from states that do…
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