This morning’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinal carries an article on the upcoming Senate race in Wisconsin, Kohl gears up for battle against unknown.
He’s starting 2006 with $4 million in his campaign account. His campaign is already well staffed. His people have put together a DVD touting his political virtues and plan to distribute up to 100,000 of copies of it across Wisconsin. They’re lining up endorsements from business owners, veterans, nurses, you name it. They’re planning to open campaign offices around the state.
Three people have notified the state election commission that they intend to be Republican candidates. They are Marc Gumz of Baraboo, Robert Gerald Lorge of Bear Creek and David Redick of Madison. None appears positioned to launch a major campaign.
No mention of my Primary challenge. I’m seeking letters to the JS, reminding them of the presence in the race of Kohl’s best known declared challenger, yours truly. Please include my email, . The article’s author, Alan J. Borsuk: , and the letters to the editor page: .