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    close 60 here in kc,mo could finally wash the car..and it is 50 know..last week it was 18 for the…
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  • my post. Either way haven't you lost faith in the NYT?
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  • I am new to Booman tribune, so what is this like an opean-thread? Becasue the last I sat next to…
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  • You obviously have problems with authority figures. As your post of Bush cleans up Camp Casey, and Wizard of the…
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  • a smear campaign by wingnuts like Limbaugh. As I heard this morning on the drive to work.."The only reason the…
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  • did was have a few tax returns at the white house that shouldn't have been ordered.  While President Bush, is…
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  • Why don't people tell me my shoes stink??
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  • Gov. Dean said the GOP would be using immigration as a wedge issue in the 2006 elections. But the truth…
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  • I saw some children's book in spanish i would like to buy.
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  • He's just a typical republican, because being a republican is beyond stupid.  I would like to buy a hybrid car..but…
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  • Yeah, that is strange as he is suppose to be the "civilian" in charge of the military. As for the…
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  • You don't leave 20,000 Americans at the Superdome in NOLA,to fend for themselves for five days without food and water.…
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  • your not in Iraq anymore, not in Iraq anymore..toto you not in Iraq anymore????
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  • Is how those on the right can be for the death penalty yet anti-abortion?? If in Christian teachings Jesus died…
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  • I travel a lot and sometimes to rural areas of Kansas. The site below probably best describes a wind farm…
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  • well at least it feels warm when two days ago the high was 12 (not including the windchill).
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  • wrench into the theory of evolution and intelligent design.  If there is intelligent design what, dear God what did we…
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  • game is a loser. I agree 100% with your comment that she was betrayed by our government and no one…
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  • The first Nationwide Latino Commisioner's meeting was taking place? http://www.kctv5.com/Global/story.asp?S=4226665
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  • as we are the only country in the world to deport non- native parents of children born in this country.…
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