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    Two plus two equals four.
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  • I specifically rejected that formulation in the last post.
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  • Isn't that simplistic? Kander's best ad was him assembling an assault rifle blindfolded.  
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  • The flip side of studying the CIA all these years, Marie, is studying the KGB all these years, too.  …
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  • You could defeat the Taliban the exact same way, but we do it to ourselves.  
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  • you can set how the comments display in your preferences. Set your comment preferences to "ignore ratings" like I always…
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  • what's sad is that that is what you are hoping, with good reason.  
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  • Each state only gets one vote, so as long as the GOP doesn't allow Clinton to win many states where…
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  • I wasn't born until 1969, but my take on the sixties leads me to believe that the left in this…
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  • Not the popular vote, the electoral college vote, which happens today. We don't yet know if there were will even…
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  • what shows it? that I accept myself as a target of his taunts?
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  • I'm sure it has the highest IQ and went to the best school.
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  • The State Department can make the use of the bomb more or less likely.
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  • I agree with the overall thrust of your criticism, but I read what Kos wrote twice and I still don't…
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  • Just stop. One of the first American targets of kompromat was Victoria Nuland, who served as the top U. S.…
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  • you have been unwittingly parroting the Kremlin line since they released the audio file on Nuland. Are you unwilling to…
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  • Missing the point on several issues by quite a lot.   the Electors need to decide if Trump would be…
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  • How is an internal leak even in the conversation? While it's possible that someone inside NSA leaked something pretty significant,…
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  • There's a more recent article from him in Esquire. Much more comprehensive.
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  • For technical stuff, this Motherboard piece from late July is a good primer, but keep in mind that a lot…
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