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    I'd read pages 6-36.
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  • No, she's ahead.
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  • I didn't miss that. But that's a campaign proposal, not an actual bill.  If that's what the bill amounts to,…
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  • Maybe I should have block quoted his point to make it clearer: Third, because there is no proposed funding mechanism…
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  • There does need to be more distinction between rural, exurban and suburban.   In Florida, the true suburban/urban sections if…
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  • Unions would help, but we don't get them until we get them. It's more a spoil of success than a…
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  • You need to get out more: For Schilling, the biggest reason she backed Trump was her son. Chad Schilling was…
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  • Do your yourself and find a parent support group in your area and go attend it as an anthropologist.  See…
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  • Sessions needs 50 votes to be confirmed. The Democrats have 48 members. As of now, Joe Manchin says he supports…
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  • there is no filibuster for executive appointments. Not anymore.
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  • this is the worst waste of time POS I've ever seen on this site. Everyone STFU and stop acting like…
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  • They were in the majority then, too. Try to follow along.  
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  • Indeed.
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  • they're in the minority. It's not their job to provide the votes for must-pass bills.
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  • He might have to.
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  • That's overwrought.
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  • That's all fine. But if I just change the characters it reads differently. Why, for example, haven't blacks in this…
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  • Maybe we should have titled it: How to make progressivism great again.  
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  • Who gives a fuck? Blame blame blame blame blame blame blame. If you've got an idea how to win Pennsylvania,…
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  • Thieving is relatad to thief. Speeding is related to speeder. Illegals is related to....what? In fact, "illegals" is deliberately offensive.…
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