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    A minor bit of damage is the idea that Laura Ingraham might be the press secretary.   I don't want…
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  • Yep, but remember. Serenity now. Insanity later.  
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  • Yeah, there is a difference. I don't dispute that. I made that clear. I didn't even dispute your right to…
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  • Okay, but how about you chill with the ad hominem attacks you've been making against Clinton and Democrats? I know…
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  • Maybe some people are trying to blame shift, but here's the core of my point: If she had gotten 10%…
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  • By way of disclosure, my brother has done some work for Teachout. Exactly what, I'm not certain, but at least…
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  • I don't necessarily believe that. I don't think it's that simple. A lot of what Teachout was running on is…
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  • It's really not complicated. John McCain had twelve apples and built a structure five apples high. Donald Trump had 16…
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  • John Kerry and Al Gore never became president. But I think it's important to realize that Trump got fewer votes…
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  • No, I mean that Trump got fewer votes than several candidates who ran with a smaller eligible pool vote.  
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  • There's nothing fallacious about how I presented this data.
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  • But even after Fox News called Wisconsin for Trump, a major upset that essentially sealed Clinton's fate, the guests gathered…
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  • agressive anti-monopoly policy as detailed in the Washington Monthly by my brother.
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  • Not that part of it. Roberts gutted pre clearance, which is where you have to get prior approval to change…
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  • CabinGirl says that CBtE came home from the same school in 2000 mystified about why the school went overwhelmingly for…
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  • States that have historically discriminated against blacks voting have to keep these stats. That's why you see them in states…
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  • Harry Reid put the pedal to the metal in Nevada.
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  • "Dontcha touch hard liquor, just a cup of cold coffee." "I'm only in it for the gold." "I've got no…
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  • Sorry, I worked for ACORN, for the DFA, have done training sessions with the SEIU and have worked more strictly…
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  • this is largely bullshit. the bucks stops where people have knowledge. it does not go past there.  
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