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    I don't think that is a realistic option because they'd have to make the needed concessions up front, basically guessing…
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  • Another article featuring me.
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  • My Indian fame is ramping up again. pic.twitter.com/TeV16LlzsR— Mahua Moitra (@MahuaMoitra) July 15, 2019
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  • He leveled a city block and then got reelected.
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  • I guess you are not reading carefully or looking at the pictures I provided. "No more deportations" is not an…
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  • “I’ve been trying to figure out how to bring everybody together — I think the president just did that for…
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  • I think more people than not (i.e., a majority of voters) look at political speech first through the lens of…
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  • I wasn't assigning susceptibility to fascism a place in this conversation. I wouldn't describe fascism as inherently the same thing…
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  • I may have a dark view of the mindset of the public, but I'm not totally pessimistic. We have to…
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  • Here's what I mean by "open borders." Advocating a complete end to deportations combined with a complete defunding or abolition…
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  • It's been so long since I've been to the Grand Canyon. I need to get back, and also to see…
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  • This is true. I tend to listen to the Democrats talk through certain lenses from people I've known in my…
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  • The interesting thing is that I say that the party has become more about identity than class, and we you…
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  • From an Italian business trip (for Erica) and vacation (for me).
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  • People have definitely been talking.
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  • Probably because it had become linked to Trump.
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  • This is mine. “Medicinal dose of slap” is now my new favorite thing on Indian Twitter.— Martin Longman (@BooMan23) July…
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  • Thanks, Don. Thanks for everything you do!
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  • I'm internet famous in India. This story is nuts. The famous speech by @Trinamool MP #MahuaMoitra which @sardesairajdeep praised was…
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