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    I guess I'm glad that Trump is afraid to pull triggers.
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  • This is some vivid writing but I don't ultimately agree with it. 1. It jumps from a global description of…
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  • Here's an actually good article on this issue in the New York Times: But given the role of seniority in…
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  • Right. I mean, I basically wrote that in the last piece on this subject. The dynamics are different now, and…
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  • That's fine, but again, he wasn't saying we need to get along with segregationists. That's aggressively missing his point.
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  • Tulsi Gabbard is the worst choice, but I basically agree with your points.
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  • I heard his people HAVE been telling him not to use it. Yes, Biden's big mouth is a problem, but…
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  • It's hard to say what the problem is since most people are either too stupid to understand the context or…
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  • Even Michael Bennet is thinking along those lines, and it'd be nice to have an inspiring campaign. But I'm talking…
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  • One reason the debate over the filibuster matters so much is because it's going to be impossible to do much…
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  • There's a campaign that needs you. Maybe you should apply.
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  • I think he hopes to do as well as Obama did on Election Day.
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  • "Obviously he wasn't racist towards me, but he was incredibly condescending." Fixed that for you, Joe.
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  • His intent is not hard to discern if you're following along. The dispute is over whether or not to do…
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  • I'm okay with 2% but that is as low as I can go. You can't even froth 1% milk.
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  • I don't necessarily blame Booker for aiming at an easy target, but Biden should only apologize for making a bad…
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  • One thing if you've got family there. For me, that's a coward's way out.
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