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    Probably nothing.
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  • The only way a third party candidate does well in this cycle is if they run as a Republican alternative…
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  • I think it's very optimistic to posit that there are no voters who register disapproval of Trump but will vote…
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  • My oral surgery went extremely well yesterday but left me exhausted and $4,750 in the hole out of pocket after…
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  • Monmouth has a poll out confirming a three-way race with Sanders very much alive.
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  • At a minimum, we're going to get culled to an appalling degree.
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  • Their good names aren't much good anymore, so there's that.
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  • Not that I can tell. It's annoying.
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  • Trump understands how to pull hate towards him and mobilize it for attack, but he doesn't understand tariffs or global…
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  • Well, look at what happened here!
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  • Did someone say White Russian?
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  • Don't tell him Toledo is a Spanish town.
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  • This guy: shooter: “i love white supremacy and wanted to kill mexicans”cornyn: “i guess we’ll never know why he did…
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  • Somebody loves his mommy a little too much.
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  • Be careful, please, to distinguish between aspirational language and proposals that are popular, and slap-happy talk about shit that will…
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  • "Build a wall" was good politics for a very crazy political strategy that turned out to work. Yet, if you…
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  • Again, you see some connection between running on structure/radical change and enacting it that doesn't actually exist to any significant…
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  • It seems to me that there is a small bit of utility to running on enacting some law or program…
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  • There is a ton of room to run on the left without trashing the voters you'll need to win in…
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  • I'm not buying that Obama turned his back on the public option. He needed reconciliation to pass a plan without…
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