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    Not a whole lot to report. The thing that would probably interest non-chess players the most is that he was…
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  • Little tyke won the chess tournament and has a trophy the size of a house.
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  • Somebody out there has to be a chess player.
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  • Any chess players out there?
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  • Imagine Clinton, Dubya or Obama working at a Five Guys burger joint for a week. Now imagine Trump trying to…
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  • There was a tagging issue causing the Painting Cafe to stay up too long.
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  • Did it vaporize?
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  • If you've been following along, I've been telling you forever that Biden is the favorite and that Sanders began in…
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  • I have made recommendations so consistently that I no longer repeat them.
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  • Let's say you're a Republican visiting Manhattan. Out of all the millions of people in that city, do you seek…
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  • The North Carolina GOP is the most ruthless in the country. “In a surprise move Wednesday morning, the N.C. House…
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  • Your point on Rand Paul is the key. The left gave Appalachia what little they actually have, and now they're…
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  • When we are at peace with each other, maybe we'll be prepared to go off and fuck up other places.…
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  • Is it ethical to let a murderer run wild through the country let alone pay for his travel? We aren't…
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  • If I were in charge, I'd ban humans from space exploration beyond the moon until we can at least solve…
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  • Also troubling.
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  • What's with New York politicians tending bar?
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  • Solidarity, Don. Our country is so much less than it should be.
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