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    I really am beginning resent the Iowa caucuses and how the media covers them.
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  • "What does your daddy do for a living?" "He drops dead things to the bottom of the ocean and sees…
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  • Yum. Zombie worms.
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  • When you put it like that...
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  • Persia's borders are more rational than anything in the Arab regions of Asia.
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  • Around here, we've converted many of the abandoned rail lines into excellent nature preserves and hiking/biking trails. Perhaps a model?
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  • I'm glad our Shih Tzu has passed on so I don't have to worry about her becoming a snack.
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  • My impression is that golf courses are an environmental disaster.
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  • I believe you. You seem always at the heart of the storm.
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  • Sanders and Buttigieg look stronger in Iowa at the moment than Warren. And I don't really buy that Biden is…
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  • Since I wrote about the Iowa caucuses.
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  • seems anything but hopeful to me.
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  • There was a reason that there was so much overlap between Trump and Sanders supporters. The Middle East explained a…
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  • Ruh roh.
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  • I actually do think that Trump's cult will vanish very quickly once he is no longer in a position of…
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  • Happy Christmas Eve, everybody!
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  • Corbyn is uniquely bad but so is Boris Johnson and the entire concept of Brexit which is like committing national…
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  • She could have withstood that and even flourished because of it. But she got outside of her lane and went…
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  • "Everyone knows you only pray that I get cancer!"
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