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    I am fully cognizant of your run-in with the overeager security folks in this country and your legitimate reasons for…
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  • I forgot about your first question. What if the AP had published without notifying the CIA? The informant would have…
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  • Notice that I did not defend the DOJ's decisions about what to subpoena or who or when to inform or…
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  • That's actually a very plausible scenario that you've drawn.   You also should realize that the AP wasn't going to…
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  • Wow. I am not saying that at all.  Not at all.  None of it. You are attached like a leach…
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  • You and many others are having an inordinate amount of difficulty understanding the press conference. The AP essentially notified the…
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  • As Barney Frank famously said, "Talking to you is like talking to a coffee table."   I never said the…
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  • Yeah, but he's probably smart enough to have a minion do something like that.  The DCI can't call up the…
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  • My bottom line is that someone who was read into the operation thought he could help Romney by running to…
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  • Apparently, you are incapable of understanding anything I have written in this article because your comment is totally unresponsive to…
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  • A certain David Petraeus?  
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  • Exactly.  What was the administration supposed to say?  That, in fact, they had infiltrated a plot and were in the…
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  • How about the idea that this person was a whistleblower? I think they were just trying to nail the administration…
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  • os·ten·si·bly   äˈstensiblē Adverb Apparently or purportedly, but perhaps not actually: "portrayed as a blue-collar type, ostensibly a carpenter". Synonyms…
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  • It has a Dark Star and it's long and good, but I don't remember any "'screaming baby' Echos-esque freakout." Hofheinz…
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  • I didn't know about the pre-election domain-name registrations.   I also should have said that it arose ostensibly in opposition…
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  • Sorry, the show was at the Hofheinz Pavilion at the University of Houston in November 1972.  
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  • Please hand me the shovel.  
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  • WOW!! That's optimistic.   I think they more like a rabid badger in a sack, lashing out at anyone is…
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  • What else could have possibly happened?  
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