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    We get another judge.  
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  • I suppose she can start with an electric chair for Chuck Grassley's grandma.  
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  • They call taking LSD "taking a trip" or "tripping."   That's what the Dead allow you to do, with or…
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  • Arthur is an accomplished jazz musician.  It's not that he doesn't know anything about music.  He's just a snob.  …
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  • Doesn't Bobby start singing too early on that Dancin'?  
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  • I was at that Philly show.  I was at all three nights.  That was the second night and it was…
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  • I had just turned 15.
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  • Fareed Zakaria agrees with me.  
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  • I've never been a huge fan of Estimated Prophet, but the lead guitar on the Cornell version is just stunning.…
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  • Some of Bobby's best playing is on that Scarlet/Fire, too.  
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  • The 1973 and 1974 Wall of Sound one-drummer sound is pretty awesome, and it was definitely the jazziest and most…
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  • Those were all excellent.  The Stranger and Cold Rain were the best I ever saw, easily. The Music and Cumberland…
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  • You know, I had all the same feelings about Charles Ramsey as The Field Negro.   I did not like…
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  • Right. So, when the president said the next day that we had been "attacked" and that it was "an act…
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  • Ramsey's 911 call is epic: DISPATCH: And the people she said that did this? Do you know if they still…
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  • I just did, above.  
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  • No, it's not from the sequester because the sequester is killing jobs and slowing growth.  The new money is coming…
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  • Also, liable to fry their brains, Freddie Mac is so profitable that it is paying the government a $7 billion…
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  • Like a three-dollar bill.  
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  • I think it's about both things. I don't disagree with your comment at all.   But Brooks has real fantasies…
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