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    Not sure he wants to own it, but he can if he does. Much like Clinton balanced the budget.  That…
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  • My point, if it wasn't clear, is that Obama never set out to resift the workforce and shrink local, state,…
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  • Your thinking is too narrow. What the president wants in the context of the Plan B decision is the get…
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  • Homonyms never plagued me until I reached my 40's.  
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  • I think Bush would dispute the assertion that he is a Harvard graduate.  He would say that he is a…
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  • Yes, the self-sabotage on DOMA was inarguable, as later events made even clearer.  
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  • I think you've got it all wrong.   Rather than trying to figure out what the president thinks on a…
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  • I wasn't inviting a health lesson.   I was rebutting your ridiculous claim that  Plan B  for 11 years old…
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  • That's interesting.  You are arguing with me using the premise that over the counter emergency contraception for 11 year olds…
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  • I don't think I'm really defending him. On it's face, what he is doing is exactly what you say.  I…
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  • That's obvious.   it's still immensely unpopular. letting the court decide settles the matter. refusing to appeal would give the…
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  • Bush went to Yale.  He's an Eli.  His degree from Harvard was from their Business School.  
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  • I don't think it's really creative at all. I am sure that it polls terribly.  Sebelius made a political calculation…
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  • Hawaii and Delaware are easily explained by the Obama vs. Dukakis/Clinton and Biden vs. Bentsen/Gore.   New Jersey is just…
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  • What this is measuring is how Minnesota of 2008-2012 compares to Minnesota of 1988-1992.  In an average of the last…
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  • All it tells you is how a state is moving relative to the whole.   South Carolina has been constant…
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  • Well, Feulner signed off on it.  I don't know how he got an invite.  
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  • Well, I looked at your theory and it's basically wrong.   South Carolina has maintained a R+8 PVI in every…
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  • Good point, and the exception is Louisiana, which lost a good part of its biggest city.  
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  • This is his first big project.  It was supposed to be a big roll out with members of Congress quoting…
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