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    Although this approach may ultimately prove successful, it is clearly is not the original (or desirable) course of events for…
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  • My general sense of this election is that it has the potential, and the indications, of echoing the 2008 election.…
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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ivBhmJVlnA
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  • While I agree wholeheartedly that Trump doesn't know or care what discipline or concentration are, much less how one would…
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  • There's a real game theory quandary in trying to determine a helps/harms conclusion for this trial. On the one hand,…
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  • In the last few years I've wondered if cultural artifacts like bad NY Times columnists (Dowd, Friedman, Stephens, Douthat, Brooks)…
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  • I have two questions: Are there screens on these polls? In my (very) amateur opinion on social science, aren't the…
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  • I've always felt that humans have a moral obligation to down with the ship, as it were, but we are…
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  • This advice from Mike Murphy is preposterous for two reasons. First, as we saw with DeSantis in October/November 2022, early…
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  • One thing that should be added (I'm relaying from memory as Joe Klein is not worth the research), is that…
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  • Martin, I think today calls for one of those long sweet renditions of He's Gone from Fall/Winter '72. Nothing left…
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  • Completely agree. One thing that I feel strongly about adjacent to your point is just how silly these bans are…
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  • No disagreement on the premise, but this is not a forgone conclusion that we "end up paying for this in…
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  • The foundation of the narrative position that only the Democratic Party is responsible for political outcomes (Merc's Law) really is…
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  • At some level, the war has finally come home for fascism, and now the battles are being fought solely within…
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  • I'm with the crowd here. I will add that I was a Sophomore in college in 2002 living in Baltimore…
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  • I feel you. My own perspective is informed by my decision in the fall of 2000 to forgo my freshman…
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  • As always, you are more than worth the wait. IT support for small business is by and large a crapshoot…
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  • Its these subtle details of the house of crime that Donald Trump represents that is the most confounding aspect of…
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  • While I agree that we likely won't be wearing masks, I have to believe the outrage and the mask-as-signifier-of-oppression will…
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