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    ooh Oh!  Pick me!  Pick me!
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  • This part jumps out at me: Cohen says his best hope now is not something on the way toward democracy…
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  • When Bushie-boy finds this out, he'll be calling for a do-over on the nomination.
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  • That could work for me.
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  • The potential nap is my reward for working quickly.  Need to be done my outline by nine, then 2 abstracts…
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  • what Andi said.
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  • coming to Comedy Central: CNN Comedy Central has ordered "Lil' Bush: Resident of the United States," a cartoon satire that…
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  • No more of those serene Tahitian beach posters...nope, gotta be terra-fied: WSJ The Bush administration plans to brighten up the…
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  • Hi keres! I'll take an uneventful day like yours.  There's been too much excitement at Chez Cabin lately.  ðŸ™‚
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  • How is everyone this morning?  Andi, I think your cold weather from yesterday has arrived in my neighborhood. I have…
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  • I just want to know why he thinks black and white is Christmas-y.
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  • There is some poetic justice to the idea that the very act they passed to absolve themselves of their crimes…
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  • From your diary: The passage of the [tag]Military Commissions Act[/tag] of 2006 presents plaintiffs the evidence they needed to substantiate…
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  • There is a certain delight in watching him sit bewildered among the wreckage of his presidency, growing more and more…
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  • I was a parent when I was 25.  To my knowledge, the Bush girls have never even held jobs (although…
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  • are these people on? AP/Yahoo While President Bush acknowledges the need for major changes in Iraq, he will not use…
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  • I think we are looking at 60-degree temps by the weekend again.  Bizarre.
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  • WalMart just sucks: NYT Faced with public demonstrations of discontent by its employees, Wal-Mart Stores has developed a wide-ranging new…
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  • This should be enough to repeal the Patriot act AND keep impeachment on the table: NYT That day, Mr. Padilla,…
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