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    Gee, BooMan talks about Donald Trump being compared to Hitler, and immediately it turns into a Hillary Clinton bash fest.…
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  • OK, he's not Hitler, what the hell, yes he is. All that's missing is the funny little mustache and the…
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  • People turning on Bill Clinton show just how much hatred  the far fringe left has for someone who they loved…
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  • Hillary should choose a younger version of herself. Julian Castro, Tim Kaine, Sherrod Brown would be good picks. No to…
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  • I'm not embarrassed at all. I simply state a question. Bernie says he's in it to win. He thinks he…
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  • OK all you Bernie supporters, I'll agree that Bernie should stay in the race if you answer me one question.…
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  • Gee, Bernie just came out and said electing Hillary would be a disaster for Democrats. Why doesn't he just join…
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  • Frank, 3 poll mean nothing right now. It's only May. You have the conventions coming up, 3 debates, and lots…
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  • It all depends on Sanders supporters. How many will go with Hillary in the general, or how many want to…
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  • Funny, no one thought those superdelegates were rigged in 2008. Do those "rigged" supers include the 40-50 that Bernie has??…
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  • What honorable thing is that?? He has no shot to win. The only reason he's staying in is for Tad…
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  • Go ahead and waste your money!!!
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  • That's right Marie, resort to name calling when your candidate is 800 delegates behind. Shows the maturity of the Sanders…
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  • Hillary 2200, Bernie 1400. Tell me how Bernie gets the nomination??
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  • We know one thing, it won't be Bernie in the White House. Always a good thing.
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  • Keep thinking that, and I'll look you up the day after election day.
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  • The investigation is just about done and the FBI has found nothing to indicate that Hillary Clinton violated laws and…
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  • Why would Hillary waste her time on a loser such as Sanders?? From day one, Bernie has been in this…
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  • Thanks for the laugh!!!
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  • Fine you want to be a traitor, then go ahead. It will make Hillary's victory even sweeter in November.
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