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    If Keith finds a home, it's gonna be on the radio. At least in the short term. MSNBC will not…
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  • Gee, liberals aren't nasty are they???
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  • I will miss Lieberman simply because he didn't let either party dictate how he voted, or what he said. That…
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  • Don't blame me, I voted for Hillary.
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  • Wow, I can just hear the sincerity of everyone here. Lieberman has been an irritant to the Democrats and will…
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  • Living in Ct. like I do, I read the scuttlebutt, and my guess is Joe Lieberman is toast if he…
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  • You like what you saw?? Keep going left, and you just might lose the White House.
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  • Arthur, If Paladino comes within 10 points of Cuomo, then I will eat my computer.
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  • Hey, the Jets lost tonight. Rexie, STFU!!! Go Dolphins!!!
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  • I agree with Arthur. The Dems are headed for some serious losses.
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  • Overall, good picks Booman, but I disagree on the following. 1, The Giants will not win 11 games 2, The…
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  • Congrats to Ms. Kagan. I liked her better than Sonya Sotomayor, but I think both will make great justices. Also…
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  • The main thing Obama has to worry about are the 38% of independents think he's doing a good job. Down…
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  • Republican-friendly DLC??? Give me a break. This would be funny if it weren't so wrong on several levels. So Boo-Man,…
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  • Well, Democrats now have a choice to make. do they want 50% of something, (Lincoln), or 100% of nothing, (Boozeman)
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  • I blame the media for Halter's defeat because for weeks they were saying that Lincoln was toast. People don't like…
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  • The Rachel Corrie has been stopped as of 11:30 tonight. All I have to say is good. Israel said they…
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  • Ah yes, BooMan with the name calling. Don't agree with him, you're a troll. All Bayh was pointing out that…
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  • The threat is NOT governing from the center. The question is this. Do you govern from the center, and lose…
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  • How in the hell can Clinton undermine Obama's peace efforts when she is speaking on behalf of the administration??? Doesn't…
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