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    I just love this. Liberals have no interest in the corporate world??!!! It's only the Republicans and those evil, nasty…
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  • Now there is no reason to watch Keith. I loved it when he skewered O'Reilly. Keith should quit MSNBC, and…
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  • Booman, we centrists aren't going anywhere. Just because there are 60 Democrats in the Senate now, doesn't mean there are…
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  • Yeah, goodbye Sarah, and hopefully good riddance. Pipe dream I know, but this lady just grates on my nerves.
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  • I love this. When Obama became president, the progressives were absolutely giddy with expectations at what they were now going…
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  • 1, FDR; No explanation needed. 2, Teddy Roosevelt; Both Roosevelt's has an air of greatness about them 3, Truman. 4,…
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  • Obama will remove the troops from Iraq, but if these photos are released, and the troops are still there, I…
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  • I actually disagree with Greenwald. Releasing those photos will put our troops in danger. We released the first batch of…
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  • I can't stand Tweety because of his obsession with the Clinton's. Someone ought to tell him this obsession is not…
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  • I admire Mancow for actually having the guts to be waterboarded. Time for Hannity, Kilmeade, O'Reilly and the others to…
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  • The thing is that people like Limbaugh certainly can dish it out, but melt like cheese in a cheeseburger when…
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  • Bravo to Shepard Smith. I don't always agree with him, but in this case, he's 100% absolutely spot on. This…
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  • What makes me happy is Hillary Clinton with a 71% approval rating, which is 7% higher than Obama's.
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  • Great article. Kudos to you my friend!!!
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  • Why should the moderates back off!! No sir, full steam ahead!!!! Time to let both the liberals AND conservatives know…
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  • I, for one, love it!!!! Even Bayh and the other members of this new coalition, plus the three Republicans, (Snowe,…
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  • I, for one, couldn't be happier. Even Bayh is stepping up to the plate, and taking these people with him.…
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  • Welcome to the third term of president Bill Clinton. So much for the change you all wanted.
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  • Carper said there must be consequences, and they cannot be insignificant. Well, Lieberman paid nothing, and won a great victory.…
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  • A great victory for Lieberman, and still shows the Democrats have no backbone. They talk a good game. Leahy, Sanders,…
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