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    OK, I'll say something worthwhile, you're an idiot!!! Happy now??
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  • Stoller has always been a little shrill,no let me take that back, he's been moaning and groaning about Lieberman since…
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  • I never believed it was 20%. It was always the outlier of the bunch, but Lieberman still has the lead,…
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  • blueneck, I love to have civil conversations, but I didn't start this little flamewar, and I am not apologizing for…
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  • Sorry, he was Gore's running mate in 2000.
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  • Since you seem to be a person who actually wants to know, and not someone who I can't have a…
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  • It won't be Lieberman.
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  • Joe Lieberman is not going to take the Pentagon job. Why in the hell would he lose the primary, run…
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  • I "fluff" Lieberman, and because you hate that, you've castiagted me for it. Chris Bowers hates Lieberman, you hate Lieberman.…
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  • Allen can swear up a storm, and use all the racist words in his vocabulary, and I'd think he'd still…
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  • If people can't look down to find Lieberman's name on the ballot, then they don't deserve to vote. It might…
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  • If it is a 50-50 Senate, then that man from Connecticut may very well have the last word on a…
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  • he was almost crying he was so spitting mad. Go Keith Go!!!
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  • I also see a lot of wishing and hoping on your part. I bleieve the race will tighten somewhat, but…
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  • This, I believe is the 300mph spinning tornado. I live in Ct. and 80% of what you are saying is…
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  • What, so more people can see your well thought out??? diaries.
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  • My my, you've been a busy little person haven't you!!! Daily Kos, MyDD, Deny my Freedom, and now here. I…
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  • I'm looking at Georgia, and Saxby Chambliss. I'm hoping and praying that someone, anyone just kicks his ass next time.…
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  • Gee, maybe a bomb can blow up the field in Miami because my Dolphins suck this year!!! I thought sure…
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  • Boy, you guys can't admit to the fact that the liberal bloggers are ripping into little Neddie can you. MyDD…
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