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    Great news to be sure. Trump is imploding and Democrats have to keep the momentum going. Can't rest now.
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  • More good news for Hillary. New MSNBC poll has her up 9% a New Hampshire poll has her up 15%,…
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  • Trump's appeal?? he appeals to bigots, homophobes, haters, racists white guys. That's his appeal. In other words, the brain dead.…
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  • Easy one to answer. Paul Manafort basically blaming Hillary Clinton for Melania Trump and her speech last night. The king…
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  • 2 new Marist polls came out today. Hillary 44-35 in Colorado. Hillary 46-37 in Florida. Red flag time??
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  • Love how you cherry pick polls as well. Reuters/ Ipsos has a national poll showing Clinton up 13% while RABA…
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  • When the final votes are tallied, I seriously doubt Johnson gets half the support he gets now. I'm not worried.
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  • So it must really gall you that Bernie and Hillary will be on the campaign trail next week, and he…
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  • I have no love for Gretchen Carlson because to me, she is just another FoxNoise mouthpiece, but I hope she…
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  • Suppose all you Berniecrats are just so disappointed. E-mails, done, nothing, Benghazi done, nothing, won the primaries fair and square,…
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  • Not surprising since many couldn't tell you who their Senators are in their home states. When it comes to politics,…
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  • Another long winded diary that says absolutely nothing. You really think by November, Americans are going to say, you know…
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  • James maybe a great basketball player, but hardly the most complete athlete of all time. Walter Payton and Jerry Rice…
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  • Damn right they have. for 30 years all the media have done is tear her down, make up stories, and…
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  • Wouldn't mind Elizabeth Warren, Tim Kaine, Mark Warner, Sherrod Brown, Chris Murphy or Cory Booker. One person she better not…
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  • She did indeed make history, and Berners can't handle it. Never have, never will. One thing is for sure, Hillary…
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  • I was going to celebrate on Tuesday, and I still will, but this is great news. History has been made.
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  • What unforced error?? Clinton didn't leak anything to the AP. They called 13 superdelegates, who told them they were committed…
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  • Hillary won by a landslide in Puerto Rico tonight, and now just 24 delegates short from the nomination. New Jersey…
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  • Excellent speech. Gave Don the Con a BRUTAL takedown!!
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