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    Apparently Markos Moulitses didn't get your message.
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  • What gets me is that Sanders is making a play for her super delegates, which raises this question. Why would…
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  • Methinks you doth protest too much!!
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  • So happy this morning. Hillary 2016, and beyond!!!!
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  • This is only the beginning!!
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  • The problem with debates for me isn't the substance, it's how many of them they do. You can ask only…
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  • Great news for Hillary. Doesn't have to worry about Bloomberg siphoning off votes from her.
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  • Even though Sanders won 2 states to Hillary's one, he still lost ground to her in delegates counts. She won…
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  • Hillary doesn't need to "go left" She's already there.
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  • Yet the so-called liberal media still says she's in trouble.
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  • Well, she saved Nevada. On to South Carolina!!!
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  • Hillary wins by at least 20%
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  • About time!!!!
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  • I agree that if Hillary and her campaign talk about what they are going to do to help the country,…
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  • I was going to write a column about this, but you beat me to it. You put it perfectly. Bernie…
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  • Yes I am. Every poll I've seen, excluding Rasmussen, which skewers Republican, has Obama ahead.
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  • I'd rather have Hillary than Obama She's smarter than he is that's for sure.
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  • Gaddafi's hometown of Sitre fell to the rebels tonight. that's 5 towns fallen within 36 hours.
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  • It is literally quite amazing hoe much foreign policy news has entered into our living rooms. Usually when any subject…
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  • Aww God Tony, do you see what's happening in Egypt?? Are you blind??
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