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    I used to like Keith's special comments. His outrage was felt by most of the country, and he was spot…
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  • No way. Bob Gates is just another Bush shill, languishing in the halls of the defense dept. Anyway, he has…
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  • To me, Keith Olbermann is nothing but an angry, bitter man. His rants and special comments are totally absurd most…
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  • I think many people are going to find out that Obama is not the candidate they thought he was. The…
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  • Of course Dana Milbank being an Olbermann butt kisser, wouldn't like the fact that Hillary got a great ovation coming…
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  • Considering the only other "liberal" over at the noise channel is Juan Williams, I think hiring Lanny is a good…
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  • Good point Micheline. And just think, the Republican slime machine hasn't even gotten a hold of him yet. If and…
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  • He might control the Democratic part, but he certainly doesn't control me, or my vote. But now it's time to…
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  • I would support Hillary in a second, but she doesn't have the finances to run as an independent.
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  • Sorry, I cannot in good conscience vote for Nader, just like I cannot vote for Obama. I hate McCain, but…
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  • My prediction is that Hillary wins by at least 10 points. all the numbers are going her way, and Zogby…
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  • CB, I've been around. I laid off politics for a while, but the 2008 election is coming, so it's time…
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  • You mean Sen. Joe Lieberman, the INDEPENDENT who now supports Mc.Cain. That Joe Lieberman!!!! By the way, where's Neddie these…
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  • Obama is as phony as a 4 dollar bill. He speaks in platitudes, and has no real plan for anything.…
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  • You may not vote for Clinton, but if she doesn't get the nomination, a whole lot of her backers, myself…
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  • Never let it be said that Boo-Man goes over the top. I still think Boo-Man has Lieberman envy. He just…
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  • Seems that Boo-Man here has locked out most of my comments!! I guess the first amendment only works around here…
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  • Anyone who diaries for Daily Kos should have his room at Bellevue ready. Don't forget the straightjacket!!!!
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  • And Daily Kos discredits you.
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  • Lamont didn't give you jack!!!! A one-issue knee-jerk candidate, and a bad one at that. Lamont is back duffing balls…
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