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    Go about 3/4 of the way down.
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  • Boo-Man http://donkeydigest.com/?=435 And yes, you do have your head up your ass.
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  • Lieberman is not the disgrace, the disgrace is the Democratic nutroots. Lieberman gets a standing ovation  yesterday. Made my heart…
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  • When all is said and done, Joe Lieberman will be the most powerful Senator in 20 years. Payback is a…
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  • OMG!!! where to begin. Needless to say you want Joe to be irrelevant simply because he is a threat to…
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  • Of the 29 new house member of the Democrats, 15 have joined the DLC, and another 9 consider themselves blue…
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  • I'm not the one putting people down. go to firedoglake.com, and read the comments about Schumer. Go to a myriad…
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  • It's not about me being positive or negative, but it's about trying to convey the fact that this transistion isn't…
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  • You got it backwards. You have to have a progressive that turns moderate for the general election. Also, Obama needs…
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  • Good choice. Russ knew he didn't stand a snowball's chance in Guam. Stay in the Senate Russ, you're better off…
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  • Collins says she's retiring in 2008. But even if she didn't, she's a lock to be reelected.
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  • Love to see it. Him and Rahn Emanuel.
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  • Since you have all this figured out, and obviously are smarter than everyone else in the room, enlighten me Mr.…
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  • This will be a centrist Democratic Congress. Bet on it. Nancy Pelosi might not have an easy time trying to…
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  • My next victim is Saxby Chambliss, who is up for reelection in 2008. Anyone who openly questioned Max Cleland's patriotism…
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  • Scream away if you must, but the country isn't going to benefit if that's all you do.
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  • Given a choice between Homeland security, and environment, which do you think Lieberman would take? I can tell you which…
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  • In my polling place, they didn't do that, but Joe made a video about his position on the ballot, and…
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  • If turnout is high, that means that people in those tight districts are coming out to vote. I was talking…
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  • And that's good enough for me.
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