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    Hey, I can't help it if the truth gets in you face. Don't like what I write, simple, don't respond…
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  • Because inquiring minds want to know, how long have you been a total jackass??
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  • Go Yankees!!!!
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  • someone has to crow about the polls, and since almost everyone here hates Lieberman, I guess I'll crow about them.
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  • You would be if Lamont were leading.
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  • We'll see now won't we.
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  • Funny, I didn't hear you say it was a Republican leaning poll when Ned was within 3%. Must have just…
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  • Sorry, Lieberman is going to take his seat on the government oversight committee, and head the homeland security dept.
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  • Now, if we could only fire Bush, Rummy, Cheney, and the rest of the devils that run the White House,…
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  • You just figured out that Bush is a loser??
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  • Photo finish, and you're still an idiot!!!
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  • And your candidate is hardly breaking 40%. You proud of that???
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  • You'll be the one weeping Nov. 8th.
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  • Let's see if you're chuckling Nov. 8th
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  • How can you be out of something you never had in the first place???
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  • How can yo be out of something you never had in the first place???
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  • I'll be hopefully watching the Dolphins beat the lowly Titans. The fish are terrible so far this year. They were…
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  • I got it right the first time. All this was, was a angry rant. You had nothing informative to say,…
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  • Bring it on Cabingirl!!!
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  • Boo-Man, did you know that John Lewis endorsed Joe Lieberman, and still does today. Knowing this bit of info, do…
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